'Abstract' sprouted from a Fall 2022 Graphic Design class project, initially tasked to craft graphic instructions for an existing game, I was fueled by my creative itch and veered into designing my very own board game. My mission? To cook up something special for children, ages around 4-12, nudging them to think outside the box and think abstractly about everyday objects and challenges.
Growing up, my world revolved around puzzles, drawings, and Legos – always messing around and giving things a twist they weren't supposed to have. Call it my recipe for a unique view on life! 'Abstract' isn't just a game; it's a creativity showdown for kids, challenging them to outshine everyone in the room with their imaginative flair.
The beauty lies in the simplicity of the rules – intentional elbow room for our little maestros. 'Abstract' isn't a one-trick pony; it's an open invitation to explore the game's nooks and crannies, a spark to set off a whirlwind of creative adventures that go way beyond what's written in the rulebook.
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